You can't think your way out of exhaustion.
you must get in tap with a different wisdom you possess.
My body knows the truth…
When I travel often... when I’d come back from many days of travel and speaking,
that day I’m tired.
And the next day I’m tired.
But the next day I get low.
Mildly depressed. Physically out. Spiritually and mentally depleted.
I have very specific mental health and spiritual practices for that day:
I don’t make any decisions about who I am and where my life is going.
I don’t touch work.
I go on a walk or swim laps.
I hug loved ones and try to see friends.
I avoid the internet.
I listen to music I really love.
I read a poem or two.
I eat tasty food - preferably nachos because they are a doorway to Divine love.
The practice summed up is this: I get out of my head and into my body.
When you’re depleted, your mind is a big fat liar about all kinds of things. Especially identity and survival strategy. It’s been calculating non-stop on how to earn love through producing and success… and it just starts sounding like a crazy person with crappy PR strategies. It has lost it’s Knowing through exhaustion. You must connect with another kind of Knowing.
That is found in the wonder of your body.
Your legs and arms know what to do… they carry you to all kinds of wonderful places.
Your heart keeps pumping without your permission… inviting you to the glory of all things.
Your breath whispers the name of the Divine over and over again like a secret charismatic meeting.
Your taste buds know that joy is found in salsa spices and warmed tortilla chips.
There are many different kinds of knowing. Our culture is obsessed with mind knowing.
But your body knows the truth.
And today I went on a long walk to get back in touch with the truth:
... that we are unquestionably and unconditionally loved.
May you descend into the wonder of that truth today.
and may you be idle and blessed.